Welcome to the Lights of Lobethal.

The Committee of Lights of Lobethal SA Inc has been working hard to improve and modernise our Constitution, and the Committee and membership processes.

A copy of the proposed new Constitution will be emailed to everyone on our Membership Register.

The next step is to have the proposed new Constitution (which will replace the old Constitution) approved by the members at a Special General Meeting. We encourage all members to attend this meeting.

What: Special General Meeting

When: 7 pm, Thursday 31st March 2022

Where: Senior Citizens Hall, Main Street Lobethal.

The business of the meeting will be:

1) Approval of the Minutes of the Special General Meeting held on 12 May 2021

2) Approval of the proposed new Constitution (by Special Resolution).

Following approval of the new Constitution, we will call for nominations for the next Committee and hold the next  Annual General Meeting in accordance with the new rules. We, therefore, give notice of:

What: Annual General Meeting

When: 7pm, Thursday 28th April 2022

Where: Senior Citizens Hall, Main Street Lobethal.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Mandy Hughes


Lights of Lobethal SA Inc.